"This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day" John 6.40
Please accept our condolences on the loss of your loved one. Every funeral and every death is different. You might feel numb at first and then a mixture of grief, gratitude, joy and anger – perhaps all mixed together. You might be hurting with the tragedy of an unexpected death, or perhaps you are grateful for a long and fruitful life.
If you live in Compton, then you can have a Christian funeral at St Nicholas whether you worship here or not.
Some people find planning the funeral with family and friends helps in their grieving. Perhaps you already know something of what your loved one wanted. You may even have planned the service together some time ago. If you are uncertain, Revd Sally Buddle who will lead the service can help you choose suitable readings, hymns and prayers.
Some deaths will be especially traumatic, distressing or unexpected. The Church has special funerals for children, or after sudden or violent deaths, including suicide. We would be honoured to talk with you about what is possible.
Funerals can also raise profound personal questions about the meaning of life and death, this is perfectly normal. There may not be much time around the funeral to properly reflect on these matters, but you can come back to them later and Revd Sally or a member of the pastoral team would be very happy to talk with you about how you are feeling and the questions and thoughts this has raised.
Funeral Service
The funeral service can be held in St Nicholas Church or at Guildford Crematorium.
At St Nicholas there is room for as many people as would like to come and no restriction on the length of service. There is plenty of time to include readings, poems, music or contributions from family and friends. We also have facilities for playing recorded music and video.
If there is to be a Cremation, the whole service can be held in Church, if that is what is preferred. Revd Sally Buddle also conduct services at Guildford Crematorium.
There are two very special cemeteries in Compton. The old cemetery at St Nicholas Church & Watts Chapel & Cemetery which has been in use since the late 19th Century.
The burial ground at St Nicholas Church is closed for new burials and is now managed as a rare and important ancient grassland.
Watts Chapel and Cemetery is owned by Compton Parish Council who remain the Burial Authority. Requests for burial information should be directed to the Parish Council Clerk, currently Joanna Cadman - 07711 566548. Further information can be found on the Compton Parish Council website here
Revd Sally Buddle can conduct the Burial (or Burial of Ashes) Service at the Cemetery.
Book of Remembrance
A Book of Remembrance is available in St Nicholas to commemorate your loved ones. The pages are turned daily to reflect the current date, so that a lasting record appears at each anniversary date according to the date chosen.
If you have a relative whose funeral was conducted at St Nicholas Church or at a crematorium by a priest from St Nicholas, you can have their name entered in the book.
Forms are available from the Churchwardens.
There is a very small charge for the inscription.
Churchyard Plan
In 2021, the Parochial Church Council of St Nicholas Church commissioned The Gortons to map the churchyard and record the memorial inscriptions.
You can find the churchyard plan and information on the memorials on their website: Compton History